Pakistan Forest Institute
Peshawar, Pakistan

Pakistan Journal of Forestry Database

PJF VOL 3 - Issue 1 - Year 1953; PP 45 - 45 Search
Title An Approach to Solve the Erosion Problem
Author(s) Salah-ud-Din Ahmad.
Designation Deputy Conservator of Forests, Punjab.
There is now no doubt that erosion is gradually but surely eating into the mountainous and sub mountainous tracts of the Punjab, leaving desolation, devastation, destruction and darn poverty in its wake. Denudation and over-grazing are the chief factors responsible for the flood gates of erosion to open and sweep the country of its soil, the seat of all fertility and prosperity of the hill side. What is now required is a different line of approach. Nothing short of drastic steps backed by strong public opinion and Government support can bring about the desired results.